We Have Dominion Through Jesus Christ!

We Have Dominion Through Jesus Christ!

Psa 8:6 KJV Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet:

 Job 22:28 KJV Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways.

Moses commanded the Red Sea to part and God parted the sea! Joshua commanded the sun and the moon to stop moving and God stopped the sun and moon! Elijah and Elisha spoke to the Jordan River and God parted it! Jesus commanded the winds and waves and God stilled the storm and its effects!

Jesus said “I give you authority over the power of the enemy; whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven; the works that I do shall you do also and greater works than these shall you do; all authority has been given to Me both in heaven and earth; in y name exercise authority over the devil.”

(LUKE 10:19; Matt.18:18; Jn.14:12; Matt. 28:18)

The bible states that everything and being has to bow and submit to the Lordship of Jesus and His name. (Phil.2:9-10)

Jesus said that He would do whatever we request, demand or ask in His Name! (Jn.14:13-14)

Anything that steals or kills or destroys is of satan, which includes sickness disease, calamities, storms, tornadoes, etc. (Jn.10:10)

Armed with this information let us mix faith with what the word of God says and release a wall of protection around the areas in which we live. Let us not fear the storms but take authority over them in the name of Jesus and command them to be silenced. Let us believe that the same God that worked with Moses, Joshua, Elijah, Elisha and Jesus will work for us as we act on His word.

Jer 1:12 AMP Then said the Lord to me, You have seen well, for I am alert and active, watching over My word to perform it.

Years ago I worked in the electrical profession. On one particular occasion I worked at the Granite Steel Company in Granite City, IL. Most of our work was outdoors on this job.

One night we were working on conveyors out in the open yard. All of a sudden there came a downpour of rain that caught us all off guard. You’ve heard the phrase “raining cats and dogs?” I do not know where the phrase came from but we experienced it that night. We got soaked.

We quickly grabbed our tools and headed for the nearest shelter. Once under the shelter I notice that my coworkers had grouped together to laugh and make fun of me. When I inquired as to what was so funny they replied that it was funny to see a preacher get caught in the rain.

I was not in the five-fold ministry at that time but people label you when you don’t act like them. They say “you must be a preacher!” They assumed I was a preacher because I did not smoke, drink curse or read the dirty books that consumed so much of their free time. I kept my lunch cooler filled with faith material, walk-mans, tapes and batteries. On break or lunch I would feed my faith. So that’s where I received the title of preacher.

Well I agreed with my coworkers that preachers should not get caught in the rain and that I was going to do something about it. I stepped from under the shelter back into the down pouring rain and lifted my arms towards heaven and began to pray loud enough for the laughing group to hear me.

I said “Father, Jesus said that You would give me whatever I ask for in His name , so I am asking You to stop this rain now in Jesus name. I thank You Father and believe it’s done now and give You praise for the answer. As I was praising God all of the lights in this huge complex went out and the laughing stopped. The downpour of rain turned immediately into a shower. Then the word of the Lord came to me saying “I have heard and have answered. What you feel now is the end of the rain.”

When the lights returned we realized it was quitting time so we proceeded to the trailer to put our tools away. That was the quietest walk we had ever made. Everyone was dumbfounded by that display of the power of prayer.

As I walked back alone one of my coworkers left the group and came alongside me and said “Man, I have never seen anything like that in all my life. You are about to make a believer out of me.”

Later on in my Christian development I was promoted to district leader over the North County Home Group Ministry in our church. This job consisted of oversight of twelve groups of believers as they banded together to study the word of God and evangelize their neighborhoods.

One night as we studied the word of God in a home in North County a great thunderstorm arose. The wind was blowing so hard that it appeared that the rain was falling horizontally and so loud that we could not hear one another speak.

There was an elderly lady in the group that decided to do something about this storm that was threatening destruction and hindering us from communicating. She went to the door, opened it and yelled “Peace, be still in the name of Jesus.” Instantly the storm ceased. She closed the door and with authority commanded us to proceed with our study. Everyone sat in amazement at what she had done.

We have the Faith of God! We have the Power of the Holy Spirit! We have the Authority of Jesus! We have the Promises of God! The only thing left is to add corresponding acting and we can stop the destructive power of satan as he attempts to destroy our communities with these storms.

Lift up your voices in faith and pray a shield of protection around the area in which you live. Bind satan and his works. Speak to those storms as our Master Jesus did and command them to cease. Believe God for your Goshen Protection; fear not, only believe!

Rom 8:19 AMP For [even the whole] creation (all nature) waits expectantly and longs earnestly for God’s sons to be made known [waits for the revealing, the disclosing of their sonship].

Job 22:28 KJV Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways.







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